While 51% of Massachusetts adult education students are employed, most are in low-wage, poor-quality jobs without benefits, schedule stability, or opportunities for advancement. Statewide, unemployment rates are higher for adults with less education; for example, 15% of adults without a high school diploma are unemployed, compared to 9% of those with a diploma and some college.

In order to help learners access greater employment and economic opportunities as well as achieve the vision and outcomes of WIOA, AE programs need to infuse career pathways and next steps preparation into overall program design and communicate a culture of college and career readiness at every level and type of instruction.

The SABES Program Support PD Team offers PD, resources, and guidance to support career pathways program and service delivery on topics such as: promising MassSTEP models (IET and IELCE); strengthening WIOA partnerships; integrating career awareness; identifying on-ramps to high demand industry sectors; and workplace education.

See below and in the Calendar and Resource Library for career pathways PD and resources.

Career Pathways : Upcoming Events


Build or Improve Your MassSTEP Curriculum (Online Blended)

There is a lot that goes into developing a successful MassSTEP curriculum. The idea is to seamlessly integrate and contextualize...


Building an Advising Curriculum (Online Blended)

This course explores successful components of an advising curriculum. Learn to apply new concepts and strategies to build or strengthen...


Win-Win Strategies for Career-Contextualized Teaching and Advising (Online Blended)

MA adult education programs are required to provide students with career exploration skills while simultaneously building academic skills though they...

Career Pathways : Resources, Research and Curriculum


Understanding and correctly using workplace credential terminology will enhance our communications with students, employers, workforce agencies and...


The Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans (EARN) project page is now live in LINCS. EARN is a national leadership activity that is building...


Thanks to our state partnership with the New England Literacy Resource Center (NELRC), you are invited to join the online launch and overview of the...

Career Pathways: Our Team