Google Jamboard for ELA

Jamboard, Google's interactive whiteboard, can be used in many creative ways. Please note that you need a Google account in order to create Jamboards, but do not need one in order to use publicly shared Jamboards. And, yes, Jamboard is usable from a smartphone.

Support and Examples from the ELA Center

ESOL Resources That Promote Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

With all of the antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion resources out there it can be hard to discern which will best meet your needs in your ESOL classroom and support your objectives and learner outcomes. Visit this Google Site to view some curated resources related to DEI gathered by the ESOL PD Center team. It is a live resource that welcomes your suggestions and input and which we will continue to add to and refine as time goes on.

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