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The third of three videos in this series shares ways to put the standards to use in your instructional practice.
The second of three videos in this series provides a look at each of the seven professional standards, including key revisions. 
The first of three videos in this series provides an overview and background of the MA Professional Standards for Teachers of Adult Speakers of Other Languages.
(6:02 - Transcript) How does adult education change lives? This video features three students working toward their dreams by participating in free or low-cost adult education programs in Massachusetts. Hear their stories, as well as interviews with their adult education program directors and…
The speaker argues for 4 rights of the learner (1) the right to be confused; (2) the right to claim a mistake; (3) the right to speak, listen, and be heard; (4) the right to write, do, and represent only what makes sense. This four-part framework connects to equity and access in the math…
Teacher Reflections Boston Public Schools Adult Education teachers Karen Greaves and Brooke Machado reflect on the financial literacy and civics lessons that they filmed in the summer of 2021 for this series, Instructional Practices in Remote ELA Teaching. They discuss how their teaching…
Topic: Assessment Methods Watch and listen to how the teachers use formative assessment methods in their remote classrooms to monitor student understanding and inform instruction. Video length: 7:31 minutes  |  Video Transcript (PDF…
Topic: Vocabulary Instruction Karen Greaves teaches financial literacy vocabulary, with activities that incorporate technology and provide opportunities for students to make connections to their own lives. Video length: 8:39 minutes  |  Video Transcript (PDF…
Topic: Student Engagement using Digital Tools  Teacher Karen Greaves engages her students during a remote financial literacy lesson using digital polling and a digital whiteboard to foster student discussion. Video length: 9:25 minutes  |  Video Transcript (PDF…