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Sherry Lehane shows teachers how to get started using Google Docs, including how Docs are organized in your Google account and how to use common features (downloading) and less common features (like voice typing). She describes the details of Sharing and pros and cons of different choices.
This video demonstrates how to use the Annotate feature in Zoom.
Flip is a free app from Microsoft where educators create safe, online groups for students to express their ideas asynchronously in short video, text, and audio messages. It is available at In this video, Sherry Lehane demonstrates how to record video or…
Sherry Lehane describes the different ways to add images and other file types to a Padlet.
Sherry Lehane shows how to create a slide in PowerPoint that will track the length of time you designate.
Sherry Lehane shows how to start a new Padlet and invite people to use it.
Sherry Lehane shows teachers the features on and gives some ideas about how to use it with students.
Boston Public Schools Adult Education teacher Brooke Machado reflects on the financial literacy and civics lessons that she filmed in the summer of 2021 for this series, Instructional Practices in Remote ELA Teaching. Brooke discusses how her teaching changed as a result of going online; the…
Boston Public Schools Adult Education teacher Karen Greaves reflects on the financial literacy and civics lessons that she filmed in the summer of 2021 for this series, Instructional Practices in Remote ELA Teaching. Karen discusses how her teaching changed as a result of going online; the…
Teacher Brooke Machado engages her remote students in a discussion about First Amendment rights, incorporating digital tools, fostering communication skills, and providing opportunities for students to make the connection between their own lives and the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution…