Claudia Nash


Claudia Nash is an Education and Career Preparation Instructor specializing in ELA/Social Studies at  Quinsigamond Community College’s Adult Community Learning Center, where she has taught all levels. This year she is focusing on Level 1 students (GLE 2-5), helping them lay the reading foundation needed to achieve success in the program.

Claudia came to adult education after 20 years in the K-12 world, mostly teaching 6th grade.  Her strengths lie in planning and organizing curriculum. She loves spending time researching and accumulating differentiated lessons to add to her toolbox. Her templates have been adapted by numerous colleagues throughout her career.

Definitely Increased My Understanding

"DESE places such a strong emphasis on the three instructional shifts that I believe they require a special understanding of how to incorporate them into ESOL lessons in the best, most practical ways possible. I'm so grateful to have taken the Recipes course and it has definitely increased my understanding of the three key instructional shifts. … Thank you so much and again, I really got so much out of the course!"

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