For additional listings, check out the Event Listings and click on "Program Support" or any of our priority areas any time. PSPD offers individual and program-based coaching for staff in any role looking to grow and strengthen their practice in any of our key priority areas, which include...
Digital Literacy: All News
Are you searching for a way to strengthen your digital content creation skills? Are you hoping to start off next semester on the right foot and integrate technology more seamlessly into your course? Join SABES on December 18, 2024, at 2 p.m. for our second EdTech Sandbox session, Building Your...
Welcome to the Coaching Hub for Adult Education Practitioners! Designed with you in mind, the SABES Coaching Hub offers information about personalized coaching to meet your unique needs, whether in instructional strategies, program leadership, or integrating technology into your teaching practice...
(NOTE: All times are in EDT. If you'll be onsite, check the CDT times.) Math & Numeracy What Story Does This Graph Tell? Mon., Mar 18, 9:00 AM - 10:10 AM, Jackson A and Virtual Will This Be on the Test? Mon., Mar 18, 12:50 PM - 2:00 PM, Jackson B What Can Math Teachers Do to Promote Racial Equity...
Follow-up for your students: ACP is a federal program to make internet connectivity accessible to those with low income. If you have students getting free or discounted internet connectivity through this program, or if you have students who'd benefit, here is a reminder of important information from...
Adult learners start their classes with a wide range of digital skills and access to technology. When you provide your students with pre-class support and resources, you boost their confidence and readiness and prepare them to hit the ground running. You also set the tone for your class and program...
We are excited to share that Ticiana Coleman, our Burlington English representative, will be holding open office hours in October. She will be available to help onbard new teachers to Burlington English and answer any questions you might have. Please join Tici to get the support you need! To join...
The Digital Resilience in the American Workforce project team is looking forward to hosting a LINCS discussion titled, Bridging Gaps in Adult Education Classrooms Through Digital Literacy Instructional Content. With technology increasingly changing the way we work, learn, and connect, digital skills...
February is upon us! SABES has compiled a collection resources for your use during Black History Month—and all year long. 11 Famous African American Mathematicians You Should Know About (Mashup Math) Overview of the contributions of 11 famous African American mathematicians to mathematics and to...
We are pleased to announce that the newest issue of The Change Agent is now available online. Thanks to our partnership with the New England Literacy Resource Center (NELRC), The Change Agent is available to all Massachusetts adult educators for free. If you have not already, please go here to...